Another important lesson in life:

When talking with someone over the phone and you didn’t get his/her name very well, don’t say what you think you heard. Just be safe and address the person as mam/sir.

I was really late for the interview yesterday. I was so late that they did not let me take the tests anymore and the head of the HR department suggested that I call them back next year.

It was my fault because I left 30mins too late. I realized that I should’ve allotted more time to prepare.

Lesson learned: It is better to be very early than to be a few minutes late.

Let’s say you and the guys cooked something and you want your dad to taste some of it so you can brag.

The problem for most people is that there’ll be not much left for dad after. That’s because guys tend to eat it all or until they’re very full, whichever comes first.

The best solution for this is to set aside a portion of your cooking for dad.

That way there’s enough food for everyone. It’s also a good idea since always getting full is not healthy.

There are some lessons in life that you learn the hard way. Sometimes it has to be that way and the best thing you can do is face it and admit your mistake and learn from that mistake.

Here’s what I’ve learned today:

If someone calls you to offer you a job even if you don’t want it, entertain the person and be pleasant. Be open and accommodating.

I’ve always been a fan of positive thinking. But as I grew older, I practice it less and less. This post by the blog Think Simple Now revived it in a way. Do yourself a favor and read it now. It’s one of the best articles that I read in a long while.


The 5 Myths of Positive Mental Attitude

  1. Forgetting to add “new” to the object reference initialization.
  2. Forgetting to import.

That’s it for now. I’ll add more later.


The Java forum at Sun is really great. People are quick to respond and are very friendly–as long as you know how to ask properly.

I didn’t get the java programmer job at my top pick at well, it stings hehe. I’m laughing it off :).

But that doesn’t stop me from learning more about Java. I’d go get better and try to apply again.

It is important to choose the best book to learn–let’s say programming–from.

  1. Gauge your level and try to find reviewers of your same level or situation and read their reviews. This saves you from frustration and waste of time.
  2. If you feel that you’re  not progressing as you should or you’re not satisfied, dump your book and try to find a new one.

I realized something. Back then I was too scared to get a job because I didn’t have a CS degree. I thought I might get turned down for the job etc. but I figured what I know is a little adequate. I’m almost there.

I don’t have to be a super expert and know everything about let’s say HTML for a starting job. What I meant by that is that I guess it’s all right if I sometimes look at references to tags and how to use them properly. I guess that’s what cheat sheets are for.

But I still don’t have a job.

howwinfriends Ok I leered at Manang Linda– she’s a sort of friend living with our family. She had this comment about my Dad not delivering LPG. Well I guess she said it out loud because she’s frustrated she has to cook outside on our charcoal stove. We use it when we ran out of LPG.

I was very guilty afterwards. I want to show dominance but I guess it’s not right. But hey I don’t want people talking bad about my family.

Well the thing is, her comment isn’t very offensive I guess it’s just that I don’t want to to get it past by me.

What’s the right thing to do? Should I confront her next time?

Let it pass and just be nice to her? Do it the Dale Carnegie way?

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  • What’s this about?

    This is another personal blog which means topics range from anything that I can think of or want to write.

    I mostly write about my struggles about learning how to program and finding a job. Also when I feel like it I write long posts about my rants and ramblings about my life. All in one big paragraph. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    About the kansas state thing, it's actually a misheard lyric from a certain song I like. Try to guess what song. :)

    Happy reading!

  • Write To Enteng